When your bag of rhizomes arrives at your doorstep you will likely be excited to check them out! Taking care of them properly from the time your receive them until you plant them, is important for their success.
-Rhizomes need to be kept dormant until you are ready to plant them. Keep them in cold storage, between 35 and 45 degrees to maintain their dormancy.
– These rhizomes should be treated like bare-root tree seedlings, meaning they need to be kept moist, but not wet. Place your hand in the bag, if you feel some moisture, that’s great. If they look dry, spray them with water. Cut the bottom of the bag to allow water to drain, you do not want them over-saturated either.
-In addition to the root hairs that help prevent the rhizomes from drying out, we have added a co-polymer gel that will help retain moisture. You may notice this substance in the bag.
-If you monitor the temperature and moisture of these rhizomes you can keep them for up to four weeks. At this point in the spring, plant them as soon as you can work the ground.