Flexstar 2.5 gal jug



Flexstar is a selective herbicide for control or suppression of broadleaf weeds, grasses and sedges in soybeans. Flexstar can help control Glyphosate resistant weeds. Flexstar is most effective and consistent when used postemergence, working through contact action. Therefore, emerged weeds must have thorough spray coverage for effective control. Some bronzing, crinkling or spotting of soybean leaves may occur following a postemergence application, but soybeans soon outgrow these effects and develop normally. Optimum weed control is achieved by postemergence applications of Flexstar to young, actively growing broadleaf weeds that are not under stress from moisture, temperature, low soil fertility, mechanical or chemical injury. Flexstar can be used on any of Real World’s Soybean Blends.
The Flexstar label can be found here:  syngenta-us.com/current-label/flexstar
Always read and follow label directions when using any herbicide product. Real World Wildlife Products does NOT offer advice pertaining to herbicide use!